Nutritions Info for weight loss
Let’s highlight some of the fundamental principles of a good weight loss diet:
Fats are the number one enemy. Without doubt, fat both from animals and plants is the greatest enemy for anyone about to embark on a weight loss diet. Even before you start considering the fat content in meat or fish, just adding up the calories from the fat in cooking oil, sauces, marinades, dips, butter, and cream, as well as the fat found in cheese and sausages, is enough for fat to be awarded the prize for the highest source of calories. An effective, consistent diet therefore must start by reducing or eliminating fatty foods. You cannot lose your own fat by eating fat from other sources!
Animal fats pose a risk for the cardiovascular system. You must also realize that animal fats alone contain cholesterol and triglycerides. Animal fats need to be reduced if there is any likelihood of cardiovascular risk or high cholesterol.
Simple carbohydrates are enemy number two. For anyone wanting to lose weight, simple carbohydrates are their other enemy. I’m not speaking of the slow sugars found in whole grains or legumes, but of simple sugars like table sugar, which are assimilated quickly and trigger the pancreas to produce large amounts of insulin which in turn increases appetite and fat storage. Simple sugars are delicious to snack on, but their sweet taste can make you forget just how high their calorie concentration is.
Proteins have a moderate caloric value. Proteins have only 4 calories per gram.
The calories in proteins cannot be completely assimilated.Those foods richest in proteins, like meat or fish, are interwoven with connective tissue and are therefore very resistant to digestion, which means they are not completely assimilated. For overweight people, who by definition are great calorie assimilators, able to get the most out of anything they eat, this is manna from heaven, as it means they cannot extract all the calories in proteins.
It takes energy to digest and assimilate proteins. If we subtract the energy needed for digesting proteins from the energy that protein foods contribute, 30 percent of their calories is saved, far more than with all other foods.
2 to 3 ounces of pure protein are needed daily. Never go on a diet with fewer than 2 or 3 ounces of pure protein per day as it will rob you of muscle tissue and make your skin dull.
Drinking 1½ quarts of water a day eliminates protein’s waste products. Do not worry about uric acid, protein’s natural waste product. You will eliminate it entirely by drinking 1½ quarts of water a day.
Proteins keep you from feeling hungry. Remember that the more slowly a food is assimilated, the longer it takes for you to feel hungry again. Sweet foods are absorbed and assimilated the most rapidly, then fatty foods, and, after them, proteins. Those of you who constantly have food on your mind can draw your own conclusions.